Enjoy a better night’s sleep for you and your partner

  • Zzzzz
    What Causes Snoring?

    The primary source of snoring is the vibrations that can occur when air flows past relaxed tissues in the soft palate. These tissues can become even more relaxed with age or weight gain.

  • Laser Therapy for Snoring_
    Laser Therapy For Snoring

    Solea uses ultra-low laser energy to tighten and stiffen collagen in the soft palate, reducing vibrations that cause you to snore. This quick, painless, non-surgical treatment provides rapid relief for most people who snore.

  • Single Visit-1
    Quick, Easy, Done In A Single Visit

    Because of how fast Solea works, this virtually painless procedures can be completed in just minutes, with many patients saying that their airway feels more open immediately after treatment.

From Our Patients

Patients are excited to share their experiences with Solea. This technology has improved their lives and provided them with the dental care they need and deserve. Watch and see how this technology has impacted their lives.

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The Solea therapy has changed my life. My sleep has improved, I'm not snoring, I have more energy in the morning, my wife's sleeping better!

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During the Solea therapy, I didn't feel anything. It was very comfortable and I didn't have any after-work symptoms. I didn't even know I had it done!

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I definitely sleep better. I breathe better and snore less. I have more energy in the day. For me it's been a life changing experience..


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Solea used for sleep apnea?

Solea does not treat sleep apnea; however, it can reduce snoring for many people who snore while wearing their CPAP or oral appliance.

How does Solea work?

Solea uses ultra-low laser energy to tighten and stiffen collagen in the soft palate, reducing vibrations that cause you to snore. This quick, painless, non-surgical treatment provides rapid relief for most people who snore.

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